Belizean Diaspora

Return to Belize - Belizean Diaspora

Welcome home!

Many Belizeans living abroad eagerly anticipate the opportunity to return home, whether to retire, invest, or share their experiences from their host countries. The Belizean Government warmly welcomes returning Belizeans and their families and has taken steps to facilitate the re-entry process through policy-making and providing essential information.

To streamline the repatriation process, the Government enacted the Qualification Retirement Persons Act. This act outlines the following provisions and benefits:

  1. Eligibility: Any Belizean aged 45 years or older, along with their dependents (spouses and children under 18, or under 23 if enrolled in university), are eligible.
  2. Monthly Income: Returning Belizeans must demonstrate a consistent monthly income of at least US$2,000.
  3. Dual Citizenship: The act applies to dual citizenship holders, such as those holding citizenship in both the U.S. and Belize.
  4. Background Check: Successful completion of a background check is required.
  5. Intention to Reside: Returning Belizeans must consider Belize as their new home.
  6. Import of Personal Effects: The act allows for the import of personal belongings and an approved means of transportation without paying import duties and taxes.
  7. Tax Exemptions: Returning Belizeans will be exempted from paying taxes and duties on all income and receipts generated from sources outside Belize, whether through work or investments. This exemption also extends under the Fiscal Incentives Act.

The legislation aims to anticipate and address potential challenges that returning residents might encounter, providing information to answer most questions. However, individuals are encouraged to contact the consulate for further inquiries. While efforts are being made to simplify bureaucratic processes, it's essential to note that penalties for abusing relevant laws and regulations still apply.

Belizean Diaspora

Engaging Diaspora: New Energy in Strengthening the Link

It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to the Diaspora Relations Unit (DRU) under the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations.

The general objective of the Unit is to raise Belize’s profile on the international stage, grow the economy by increasing exports and attracting inward investments; promote trade; provide information and support to Belizeans abroad; encourage expertise exchange, and identify opportunities for philanthropy.  Developing an effective relationship with the diaspora will offer a platform from which to showcase Belize’s excellence and generate much needed exchange of ideas and resources.

Our intention is to use this platform to inform, educate, communicate and support each other with helpful information on social, cultural and political events and activities.  Keeping our culture and history alive outside of our homeland is important for our continued development.

We invite our diaspora community members to complete and submit a Contact Form so we can stay in constant communication with you.  This will allow us to continue building this movement together and, at the same time, keeping you in touch with Belize, whether for business or pleasure.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, queries, ideas or improvement suggestions.  Your comments and advice are encouraged and appreciated.  Thank you for visiting our website.  Let the connectivity continue with renewed hope and energy.

Once again, Welcome to the Diaspora Relations Unit!

Diaspora Relations Unit


For more information about the Belizean Diaspora, please visit
