Business in Belize

Bordered by Mexico in the North, Guatemala in the West, and the Caribbean Sea in the East, Belize is a unique, vibrant country in Central America whose British colonial history strongly links it to the Caribbean. It has a hard-working, diverse, friendly, bilingual (with English being the official language), and well-educated workforce that bolsters an economy focused on growth. Quite the popular tourist destination for its eco-friendly, pristine natural resources, Belize’s rich soil, year-round tropical climate, and long coast line creates an attractive and sustainable climate to foster niche products and services that cater to niche markets, such as adding values deriving from nature.

Belize enjoys benefits under trade agreements with several developed countries, including:

Preferential market access to the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM).

Preferential treatment from the USA under the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI).

Under the Lomé IV Convention, duty-free access to the European Community for certain commodities such as bananas and sugar.

Under the Caribbean-Canada Trade Agreement (CARIBCAN), certain Belizean goods enter Canada duty-free.