Other Consular Services

We aim to do what we can to help Belizeans who are in difficulty here in the United States. Our staff will protect and assist all Belizean nationals as much as we properly can. We take your concerns very seriously. We are committed to serving all Belizeans and our staff understands their responsibility to treat people fairly. We do not make assumptions or pass judgments. Our staff work to strict guidelines on confidentiality and are careful to meet the legal requirements that relate to personal information.

We can:

  • issue emergency passports, full passports and visas;
  • contact relatives and friends, and ask them to help you with money or tickets;
  • tell you how to transfer money;
  • help you get in touch with local lawyers, interpreters and doctors;
  • explain local procedures if you are detained;
  • arrange for your next of kin to be told of an accident or death, and tell them what will happen next;
  • visit you if you have been arrested or put in prison, and arrange for messages to be sent to relatives and friends;
  • put you in touch with organizations who help trace missing people; and
  • in certain circumstances speak to local authorities on you behalf.

But, we cannot:

  • interfere in court cases;
  •  get you out of prison;
  • give you legal advice or
  • start court proceedings for you;
  • investigate a crime;
  • pay your hotel, legal, medical or any other bills;
  • pay your travel costs, except in special circumstances;
  • do work that is normally done by travel agents, airlines, banks or motoring organizations;
  • get you somewhere to live or get you a job;
  • issue a residence or work permit; or
  • demand that you are treated as a Belizean citizen here in the United States if you are a dual national.